Legal Notice

Website Publisher:

Corporate Name: Renner Energies SA

Legal Form: Public Limited Company

Company Number: BE0884.428.578

Registered Office: 3000 Leuven, Arnould Nobelstraat 42, box 3

Register of Legal Entities: Leuven

Email Address:

Phone Number: +32 (0)16 299 455


1. Protection of Personal Data

We collect and process personal data in accordance with our privacy policy, which is accessible  at the following link:


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© 2023 Renner Energies SA. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, exploitation, representation, adaptation, translation, and/or transformation, in whole or in part, of the website or one or more of its components, by any means whatsoever (including transfer to another site), without prior written authorization from Renner Energies, is prohibited (except for copies for private use and those made for press purposes) and would constitute infringement, notably sanctioned by Articles XI.336 and following of the Economic Code and the law of May 15, 2007, regarding the repression of counterfeiting. The name, logo, and business name of Renner Energies are protected by intellectual property rights, including registered trademarks.


4. Terms of use

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of this information. The use of the information contained on this site is at your own risk.


 5. Liability

The information provided on this site is based on reputable and reliable sources. However, it is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The information on the site may be changed at any time without prior notice.

We disclaim any liability for the use you make of the information provided on this site. In no event shall we be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this site. Similarly, external hyperlinks used within this website and the content of third-party sites to which they refer do not engage the liability of Renner Energies or companies within the Renner Energies group.